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Times Past
Main articles in the Museum Newsletter "Times Past"
Click on the Issue number to view the appropriate copy of Times Past.
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Issue |
40 |
Winter 2011/2012 |
The Good Olde Days in Storrington. World War Two and Evacuation - The first part of Alan Simmonds' remarkable memories. Family History Day, 16th October by Rob Challen. |
39 |
Summer 2011 |
Arthur Francis Bell 1875-1918. Roger Simpson describes the local poet, his family and friends. The Weald - what happened to it and why? by Philip Beaumont. Finders Keepers and Old Tymes by John Wharmby. |
38 |
Spring 2011 |
Meg Everitt. John Wharmby sums up Meg's great contribution to the museum. Church recordings by Jane Paton. Back to the future in Storrington by Julia Edge. |
37 |
Winter 2010/2011 |
The Museum in Festive Mood. Medicine as it used to be. Obituaries - John Winning & Anne Rapley. A Message from the Vice-Chair, Shaaron Collet. Famous Residents No 10 - Hugh de Selincourt. |
36 |
Summer 2010 |
Storrington Museum Re-opens. A Message from our Chair, Meg Everitt. The Washington Boundary. Famous Residents No 10 - John Mason on Hugh MacDiarmid and the Grieves in Thakeham. |
35 |
Spring 2010 |
A New Decade - On the Shoulders of Gaints. The Story So Far. Famous Residents No 10 - Elgar. |
34 |
Winter 2009/10 |
From the Chair Memories of the Pond School and Miss Yeats Miss Yeats the traveller |
33 |
Summer 2009 |
Tudor May Revels Museums at Night Famous Residents - Arnold Bax George Tyrrell |
32 |
Spring 2009 |
A Smell of Rotten Eggs Graffiti at Parham Park Officers Reports to AGM 2009 |
31 |
Winter 2008/9 |
A Tale of two Sisters and the Red Lion, Ashington. More Hanging - Less Crime |
30. | Summer 08 | The Horsham Hanging Fair. |
Storrington & District Artists with Works in the Museum. |
The Roman Villa at Wiggonholt. |
29. | Spring 08 | "Sussex Born and Bred" True, False or Just Confusing? |
One Farm - Three Generations - Two hundred years of continuous service. |
John Charman - From Poorhouse to Paradise. |
28. | Winter 07/08 | Queen Elizabeth (the first, of course) on tour! |
William Alberry, Saddler, Musician and Sussex Historian. |
27. | Summer 07 | The Iron Industry in Sussex - Its Rise & Fall |
1884 - The Year Worthing Declined to be Saved |
26. | Spring 07 | The Wilberforces in Sussex |
Archeology in and around Storrington. |
25. | Winter 06/07 | Victorian Harvest Home |
Christ's Hospital: A Unique Sussex School |
Storrington by M.D. Petre |
Was 1066 Really All That Important? |
24. | Autumn 06 | The "Cokelers" of Loxwood |
The Village of Amberley |
23. | Spring 06 | Amberley Church |
St. Mary's Church, Storrington |
Miss Yeats, a Very Special School Teacher. |
Burpham's Failed Highwayman, Jack Upperton. |
22. | Winter 05/06 | Storrington's Own Coinage |
Arthur Mee's "Sussex" (Hodder and Stoughton) |
The Notorious Election of 1847 |
21. | Summer 05 | Thakeham Union Workhouse |
What Brought a Family from Oakville, Ontario to West Sussex? |
Roundabout at War. |
20. | Spring 05 | Restoring "Little Boltons", Church Street, Storrington. |
Storrington Transport in Quieter Times |
19. | Winter 04-05 | A Wedding at Steyning. |
Maude Petre. |
William Penn in Sussex. |
Frank Knight. |
18. | Summer 04 | Amberley Castle - Or is it? And why was it built?. |
William Frankland. Explorer and Inventor. |
Walter Potter - Taxidermist Extraordinary. |
17. | Spring 2004 | Churches in the district. |
History of a Storrington Farmhouse. (Also in Issue 18) |
What's in a (Storrington) name? |
16. | Winter 03-04 | Dr. Finlay and the Crusader's Tomb. |
A rather sad day |
Regina v. Storrington. When is a road not a road? (also in Issue 17) |
15. | Summer 03 | The Mill that moved. |
Storrington's Home Guard. |
14. | Spring 2003 | The Old Bridge at Stopham. |
A canal lost and found again. |
The intriguing Mr. Wells. |
13. | Dec 2002 | Charles Henry Frewer 1919-2002. |
What's in a road name? - Monastery Lane. |
Henry Bishop of Wiston. |
William Penn and the Blue Idol. |
12. | Aug 2002 | Storrington's vanished watermills. |
The Meynells of Greatham. (also in Issue 13) |
The Roman Invasion [Revisited]. |
11. | April 2002 | Florence Mary Greenfield, Dec. 1900 to Feb. 2002. |
Storrington's Windmills. |
Retained Fires Service Experiences - John Linfield. |
10. | Dec. 2001 | The English Civil War - 1642-6. |
Challen's Cycle and Motor Depot. |
Storrington's Rectories. |
9. | Aug. 2001 | A Museum of Family History. |
Story of a Storrington Volunteer in WW 11. |
8. | May. 2001 | Daisy and the Sad Poet. |
7. | Feb. 2001 | Fryen Park - Storrington. |
Three Graves in Storrington. |
6. | Nov. 2000 | Storrington Military College. |
Fl. Lt. C.R.Davis, DFC. Fighter Pilot. |
A.F.Bell - "The Sullington Shepherd. |
5. | July. 2000 | Who was the "sullington Shepherd"?. |
J.W.Bramham - Local Artist. |
Storrington's Rectories. |
4. | April. 2000 | Jomo Kenyatta - Famous Wartime Resident. |

The Museum is housed in The Old School, Storrington